3 Things to Stop Doing So You Can Make More Money in Direct Sales
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with everything there is to know about running your own business. Goodness knows it’s a lot to keep up with! As the CEO and founder of CinchShare I am right there with you, which is why I wanted to share a few great tips from our good friend and collaborator, Melanie Parker of Party Plan 123. Here Melanie offers her advice on three things that could be keeping you from making the money you want in your direct sales business:
Today, I want to start off by sharing an honest statement about the party planning business. It might come as a surprise to some of you, but the reality is, this is not a get-rich-quick kind of scheme. It’s more of a “be rewarded for the work and the effort that you put in” kind of scheme. Most of you, who have been doing this for a while, are likely to agree with this. In other words, the more energy and resources you invest, the more you will get in return; or more poetically put, approach this business from a place of giving, rather than getting.
But how much to give is the real question here. Often times, even though we’re super eager and willing to invest in our business, we might not know the right way to do it…Or even the right things to do. So, instead of giving you a list of things to do, I decided to list three basic things you can stop doing that will have a financially positive outcome.
In other words, what are the 3 Things You Should Stop Doing If You Are Not Making Enough Money.
1. Stop Spending More Money Than What You’re Making!
First and foremost, don’t keep on buying too many products for yourself, but reward yourself as you are making sales from your customers. Make sure you have a little goal and a bonus to work towards.
Furthermore, try to settle for low-cost yet efficient vendor events, instead of expensive expos. More so, look for the smaller events like the markets, school fetes, and fairs that are in your local area that will attract just as many new customers as the big expensive events. Play it safe and make sure to limit your budget to $20 to $50 per event.
Also, as useful training books, courses, and trainers are, focusing on more than one resource and spending huge amounts of money on these types of tools will only cause a financial deficit. So, instead of having bits and pieces of different books and trainings, settle for one that suits you best. Pick a trainer that you respect and have fun learning from. After you’ve absorbed your lesson, apply the principles that you’ve learned and then move on.
2. Stop Randomly Posting On Social Media!
Social media is an essential and such a useful tool in our business, but often times we make the mistake of posting random, aimless info. So, next time you post, instead of just throwing out a random thought, make sure your message is succinct and informative. Post with a purpose and make sure your message has a goal.
Attract, Engage and Convert is a very useful strategy that could spruce up your business. So, next time you decide to post on Facebook, think about how you can attract your audience, how you can help them engage and interact, and last but not least, how you can politely ask them to consider this generous income opportunity, i.e. convert.
3. Stop Looking for the Shortcut!
It is paramount that you understand the importance of investing and working on your business with zeal. In other words, it is about having a positive mindset, having the desire, learning how to do it and then get out there and take action! Consequently, spend your time on income-producing activities that are going to help you get where you want to go. Have a goal, have a dream, believe in it, and be ready to pursue it! No shortcuts, no excuses, just go for it. And in the end, when you apply all you know, you’ll get to reap the fruit of what you’ve sown.
Hope you found this advice helpful!
Cheers to endless bookings!!
~ Mel xx
Isn’t that amazing advice? And of course, CinchShare is here to help with #2 as it is SO important to plan ahead and have a social media strategy not only for you to maintain consistency but for you to maintain your sanity as well! Who has time to waste scrambling for the next post or wants to stress about not being consistent if life happens and you can’t get online? If you aren’t using us yet, I would love for you to try us out for five weeks free – use the promo code CinchFree and see how easy it is to manage your social media marketing with CinchShare!