Make a List and Check it Twice to Get Those Holiday Sales
It’s the most wonderful time of the year for direct sellers – the holiday shopping season has begun! Instead of posting product photos on Facebook, crossing your fingers and wishing for those holiday sales, there are ways to get your friends and customers talking so you can not only help them select the perfect gifts for their loved ones, but also build relationships with them so they become long lasting and loyal customers!
What do you know about the upcoming months?
- A heap load of money is spent on gifts.
- People buy from people that they trust and like.
- Shopping is being done online more and more.
What many don’t know: “How do you assist your customers and Facebook friends who want to buy their gifts from YOU?”
Social media posts are often posts that tell people what you have available to buy. We definitely want people to know what you sell. Add in another type of post which prompt your customers and friends to tell you who they are shopping for, and you now have a new tool to increase your sales.
Four questions to get people talking about their holiday shopping:
- Ask them about their holiday traditions.
- Do you A. Wrap or B. Bag gifts?
- What type of Christmas tree lights do you prefer? A. Colored or B. White
- Ask them who is on their list.
- Who on your list is an organization queen/king?
- Who on your list loves to cook?
- Ask who they are struggling to find the perfect gift for.
- Who on your list is the most difficult to purchase for?
- How many teenagers are on your list?
- Ask who they need a $10 and under gift for.
- How many teachers are you buying for?
- Who are you filling stockings for?
These are just a few samples, but I’m sure you can see that as people comment, you then can reply and ask a few extra questions like:
- How are your holiday preparations coming?
- Who are you still shopping for?
- What type of gifts have you purchased for them in the past?
- What are some of their interests and hobbies?
After you have spent some time understanding who is on their list and their interests, the question that will then come naturally and feel authentic is:
“May I share a few ideas with you that others have purchased for those on their lists with similar interests?”
When they say, “Yes, absolutely!” you know you’ve made not just a sale, but also a connection.
Four places to post:
These questions will give you the opportunity to be an elf to many groups of individuals. Use them in all of these areas:
- On your personal Facebook profile
- On your business Facebook page
- In your Facebook parties
- In your client exclusive Facebook groups
Each place attracts a different type of person, and will quadruple the number of people you chat with about their gift giving list.
So now it’s time to start making your holiday list of questions, check the dates and places you are going to post them, and hear more “Jingle, jingle, jingle” in your bank account!
For more fantastic ways to engage this holiday season, check out the free training that took place on Facebook. There are 30 FREE holiday posts for you to use as well as fun giveaways! Make Your FB Posts Jingle