3 Easy Ways to Get Your Business Seen on Social Media
While face to face networking will always be necessary, establishing virtual connections is not only another pivotal way to build your business, but it also gives you a ton of possibility for growth and an infinite customer base! This is why it’s super important to be seen on social media and today we’re going to help you do just that!
Karen Yankovich is a rockstar on social media and internationally recognized as a leader on LinkedIn. As CEO of Get Seen Be Heard LLC, Karen ‘teaches her clients how to build authentic rapport with THEIR clients, prospects, influencers, and the media – and how to leverage those conversations into transformative brand expansion, service, and sales channels by making use of Social Media & PR.’ She says, “We use Social Media to get more visibility. More visibility leads to more customers, more customers lead to higher profits. A profitable social media and PR strategy ramps UP that visibility so that you can ramp up your business successes!”
Here are three easy ways that you can get seen on Social Media:
1. Create a Facebook Business Page
Just like you have business cards printed to hand out in person, a Facebook business page is your virtual business card, where people can find you online. When someone Googles you, your Facebook business page will appear as it’s public so be sure to set one up if you haven’t already. Not sure how to get started? No worries! We’ve written all about it here.
2. Grow a Community with a Facebook Group
Facebook Groups are another fantastic way to drive traffic to your business! People will see that you have a great community that focuses on their interests and they’ll be sure to check in often and share the group with their friends if you provide value and fresh content. We suggest closed groups so that your members can really feel a sense of belonging and have the comfort of knowing their questions will be kept from the public eye. This is the place that your community will grow and people will get to know, like and trust you! If you don’t have a Facebook group, it’s fun and easy to create one as we explained in this blog post.
3. Become a ‘Call to Action’ Master!
Wherever you are posting online, whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or another platform, Call to Actions are the BEST way to guide your audience where you want them to go. A Call to Action is simply giving them a task or a ‘To Do’. It can be asking them an easy question to find out more about them which creates engagement, or in this case, to click on a link that will take them to another location which can be your website, your Facebook biz page or group, your blog, the choice is yours! We’ve created a unique CinchShare feature called TextClips which makes it amazingly simple to add CTAs to your content marketing! See a bunch of examples of Call to Actions here.
There are many other ways to be seen on social media – these three are just our beginner tips but we have plenty more! Be sure to join us next week as Karen Yankovich shares her amazing social media and PR secrets with us at our thirty minute Sizzlin’ Summer SOCIAL Series! Be sure to share with your teams!