Five fantastic non-spammy post ideas you should be using for your business
It’s time to stop selling on social media! Say what?!? Yes, we are serious! Sharing about your business versus selling will not only get you noticed, but also make your sales skyrocket! If you are posting about your products post, after post, after post, you will turn everyone off, resulting in unfollows and no sales and we definitely don’t want that. So what do you post? We’re going to show you five fantastic post ideas that you should be using to indirectly promote your business online.
The 80/20 rule of marketing is the way to go!
The key here is to post about your business with product and business opportunity posts 20% of the time while the remaining 80% is still related to your business, but not directly. You want to provide value for your followers but also for yourself so that you can get good feedback that will help you learn about their needs so that you can be of service to them. Here are five great post ideas that will work wonders for your business:
1. Be a bit sneaky (in a good way!)
Share about your business strategically without being spammy. You can post a selfie using your product, or pictures from your vendor event or home party, photos of you having a blast at your company conference or of you on an all-expense paid vacation thanks to your business! Sharing how much fun you’re having because of your business is a very acceptable and welcome way to market without being pushy!
2. Show them your real life
For people to get to know, like and trust you, it’s always best to be authentic. No need to worry about getting the perfect shot for Instagram or writing an award winning post message for Facebook – the posts that others can relate to are the ones that get the most action. Scheduling a funny meme or quote about mom life that will make your followers laugh and think – “Oh that’s totally me!” – so they comment on it and share it to their timeline is exactly what you want so that you can really connect with them.
3. Lend a helping hand
It’s pretty safe to say that the majority of people who follow you will feel a bit overwhelmed from time to time, so life hacks and time saving tips are always super helpful especially when they relate to your business. People need to cut corners to get the most out of life so giving them ways to simplify their day to day tasks is extremely valuable!
4. Sharing what floats your boat
Sharing other people’s awesome content helps you save some time from having to pump out all your own and let’s be honest, we simply can’t do it all – we do have lives off social media! So, if you subscribe to a few great blogs and YouTube channels, receive Google Alerts for awesome articles and follow some stellar influencers on social media – share their stuff! Remember that you are your own customer – so much of what is appealing to you will be of interest to your fans as well.
5. Make it about them
Get to know your audience! Simply asking your customers and followers questions on social media can help you not only increase engagement and visibility for your posts, but can also potentially give you access to some helpful information and insights. It’s the best way to see how you might be able to help and it is a genuine way to build relationships.
Here’s a three part question that you should ask yourself before you post anything on social media:
Is this valuable to your audience?
Is this useful to you?
Is this share-worthy?
Remember when using these 80% post types, that you want to add a Call to Action to all of them! A ‘CTA’ is a way to either funnel your audience to another location, as in, from your timeline to your business page or from your business page to your community group, or you can ask a simple question which prompts them to comment on your post and engage so that you can chat with them. You can use TextClips to make this happen in one simple click! You’ll also want to create your own graphics for your posts as much as possible so you can stand out and be authentic, which is why we integrated Canva into CinchShare which allows you to design and schedule all in one place! If you’re using CinchShare and your team also has CinchShare accounts, you can share folders with one another to build up your library of content! Finally, you are welcome to join us in our CinchShare Facebook Party & Marketing Training FB community group where we all share ideas and learn from one another in a friendly and fun atmosphere! See you there!