Summer Survival Tips for Entrepreneurs with Kids
Ahhh…the dog days of summer are almost here. Back when we were kids they used to be filled with carefree fun and adventure but now, as entrepreneurs with children of our own, summer can feel pretty overwhelming as we try to juggle our offspring along with keeping the business momentum going and all those summer festivities we are obligated to attend. It’s actually pretty exhausting! Fear not though, there ARE ways to avoid the mayhem and not let your business suffer while you spend a few great months with the family!
1. Use your time wisely
Take advantage of your “alone time” before the kids wake up and get some work done! We know that it’s summer and you want to sleep in too (hey, if you’re a night owl, then swap the morning out with the evening, either works!) but you still have to treat your business as a business and put in the same amount of hours you did while the kids were in school – ok, maybe a couple less, as long as you’re productive and time blocking! What’s great about working from home is that you have a ton of flexibility, but be sure to not let the excuse that it’s summer take over your focus. You will be less stressed and feel much better knowing that you accomplished something every day!
2. Make a summer bucket list
Jot down a list of what you really want to do with the family (and for yourself!) so that you can have it all planned out for the summer months. Check out local events on Facebook for festivals and schedule in those family and friends’ barbecues. Having it down on paper where you can visually see what you’ll be doing each weekend will help you better manage your time during the week for work and plan ahead for when you are taking a few days off to go on an adventure. Knowing where you’ll be ahead of time is really key here!
3. Let go of the mommy guilt
We’ve all heard it! The kids are out of school and they are “bored” so we feel guilty that we can’t chauffeur them daily to different places so their brains don’t rot from sitting on iPads and playing Xbox all day and night. Stop. Stop it right now. YOU are an amazing parent and you are providing for them by running a business which just happens to be at home so think about it this way – if you worked in an office, you wouldn’t be with them while they are home, right? So if camp isn’t an option, they will need to figure out how to play on their own and have ground rules set such as limited time on devices. Explain to them that you will do something fun once a week that you all agree on so they feel heard. If you have younger children who are more dependent on you, see if there’s a college student home for the summer who would be willing to come over for a few hours while you get some work done, or call up a friend and take turns babysitting each other’s kids so you can alternate your work days.
4. Create a summer schedule
This one really isn’t as tough as it seems! We all have schedules during the school year – now we just need to make up our own for the summer months. As we mentioned earlier, if you’re an early bird, use that quiet time to your advantage and if you’re a night owl then plan on putting in a solid hour or two before you hit the hay. Get a big calendar or spray some chalkboard paint on your kitchen wall and put your schedule on it for family members to see so they know what you’ll be doing daily. Keep to it! Businesses don’t run themselves and in order to be successful and grow we must be consistent which means planning ahead and putting in the same effort as we do year round because guess what? People shop in the summer months so why shouldn’t they shop with you? Get those sales!
5. Determine what has priority
There are only so many hours in a day and in the summer, they seem to fly by! To ensure that you aren’t pushing your To Do List further and further out each week, make a list (we love planning in case you haven’t noticed!) of your priorities both for business and for the family. What do you HAVE to accomplish and what can slide for a bit? What has a deadline? Of course, leave room for some flexibility but overall, knowing what is most important to you each week will help you determine a plan and keep you sane!