Ten Social Media Topics You Should Be Posting
Social media marketing has become a full-time second job for anyone who owns a business whether it be brick and mortar, direct sales, network marketing, or online marketplaces. Entrepreneurs need to be online to be seen and heard in today’s technology driven world and social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram aren’t going anywhere because people enjoy connecting and learning from them – which is a great thing for your business! You can expand your reach ten-fold simply by posting and engaging online. Can it be exhausting? You betcha! We all have to juggle our families, home duties, run a business and find the time to post on social media in order to be visible and remaining consistent, but the most daunting part of it all? Knowing WHAT to post that will get everyone not only noticing you, but telling all their friends about your business too.
So what’s the big secret that causes a post to get seen, engaged with and then shared? It all boils down to one thing: being authentic. Yes, it’s all about YOU.
Well, it’s about you and how you can help OTHERS. See, it’s not about the products you sell or the services you provide – every business owner has those. It’s about how YOU portray yourself online. How you show your audience that you can give them what they need to improve or enhance their lives. If you love what you do it’ll be apparent in your posts and the relationships and sales will come simply by you being real, interesting and helpful. Treat your presence on social media like you would a friend and you’ll have great success!
Here are 10 post topics that will help you create your content strategy for an amazing year – no, decade – ahead!
1. Show them your awesomesauce.
There’s no reason to hide who you really are on social media simply because you are marketing your business – on the contrary, being transparent and sharing about the things that make you human will help you become more relatable and people will feel that they can get to know, like and trust you!

2. Be an inspiration.
You know how you enjoy reading an inspiring story or watching a feel-good video to put a smile on your face and get you moving and grooving again? Yeah. We all feel the same way. Life can get a bit hectic and it’s really nice to see positivity on social media because the world is too full of things that can make us worry these days.

3. Toot your own horn!
Has your business done anything lately that helps others? Have you reached a milestone? Promoted? Revamped your branding? Give yourself – or your team – a shout out! Your audience will love to know what you have going on behind the scenes whether it be going on an incentive trip or raising funds for a non-profit. Give them all the feels! They’ll see how hard you’ve been working and cheer you on!

4. Lend a helping hand.
It’s pretty safe to say that the majority of people who follow you will feel a bit overwhelmed from time to time, so life hacks and time saving tips are always super helpful especially when they relate to your business. People need to cut corners to get the most out of life so giving them ways to simplify their day to day tasks is extremely valuable!

5. Laughter IS the best medicine.
What makes you LOL? No, really! If you see something in your News Feed that struck your funny bone and you know your audience would love it too then share it with them! Who doesn’t need a good chuckle midday?

6. Sharing what floats your boat.
Sharing other people’s awesome content helps you save some time from having to pump out all your own and let’s be honest, we simply can’t do it all – we do have lives off social media! So, if you subscribe to a few great blogs and YouTube channels, receive Google Alerts for awesome articles and follow some stellar influencers on social media – share their stuff! Remember that you are your own customer – so much of what is appealing to you will be of interest to your fans as well.

7. Evergreen isn’t just a type of tree.
Content that you’ve posted in the past that doesn’t have an expiration date can (and should) be recycled. It’s hence, “evergreen” and continues to provide value to your audience time after time. People who started following you last month, for example, never saw what you posted last year at this time – and there’s a good chance that not everyone saw that content back then either. So repost it! Note: Don’t forget to update the graphic if necessary.

8. Share your plans.
Be available both online and off! Tell everyone online where you’re next in-person event will take place; how they can meet you for lunch if they have questions about a product or your business opportunity; or that you have a customer VIP group they can join. Your audience will love being able to get in touch with you and feel comforted that you’re easily reachable if needed.

9. Products that WOW you.
Yes, you CAN talk about your products and do it in a way that isn’t spammy. It’s simple, you just need to share how your products have helped you and show them in selfies or photos that you take yourself. Really, it’s the best way to market your business – personalize them and include your kids, your furbabies – real life sells!

10. Make it about them.
Get to know your audience! Simply asking questions to your customers and audience who follow you on social media can help you not only increase engagement and visibility for your posts, but can also potentially give you access to some helpful information and insights. It’s the best way to see how you might be able to help and it is a genuine way to build relationships.

Here’s a three part question that you should ask yourself before you post anything on social media:
Is this valuable to your audience?
Is this useful to you?
Is this share-worthy?
When you have a bit of a strategy in place (this will help you be more intentional and purposeful with your content), you can then save a ton of time by scheduling your posts so that you’re able to engage with your audience and concentrate on other business building tasks. We know you have a lot on your plate – we’re right there with you, which is why we plan ahead and schedule all our own content with our software too. CinchShare really does allow us to focus on all our other tasks, like blogging, creating weekly social media trainings, managing our FB community group and page as well as Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest, traveling to retreats and conferences – and hosting our own! Like we said, life is busy for entrepreneurs but with tools that help us work smarter, we really are able to do it all!
So are you excited to be yourself and share what you love online to help others?