How to create engaging content on Facebook
Keep scrolling, keep scrolling. Wait! What’s that? Hmm… now that looks interesting, I am going to have to click on it! – the mind of your ideal customer.
One of the most popular questions that we get asked weekly is how to create content that people will notice and want to engage with. It’s true, there is a certain finesse to come up with what it takes to grab their eye AND make them click THEN engage – but once you get the formula down and know what each post needs to succeed – you’ll be developing authentic relationships in no time!
Use eye catching graphics
If you either don’t have the time or feel completely overwhelmed attempting DIY design, we have thousands of ready-made graphics in our shared Cinch Graphics folder which are perfect for engagement! But, if you are ready to give designing a shot for your own branded graphics, here’s a blog post that will help you learn exactly how to make them POP!
Add Call to Actions to EVERY post
And by every post, we mean EVERY SINGLE POST! If you don’t have an engagement post that has a Call to Action in the graphic, be sure to include it in your post message. The key here is to ask a question and you can do this in the form of a Conversation Starter (which is your basic question), a Fill in the Blank, a This or That or an A/B/C/D post – or if you have a quote or it’s a post with a blog article or link to your website, put the question in the post message. People most likely won’t make the effort to engage unless you give them a reason to do so!
This is an example of an A/B/C/D multiple choice Call to Action
Lead them to the right place
In your posts, you can also give them a task, such as “Join my free Facebook Group for more great tips and ideas! – with your group tagged @groupname. This will encourage them to check out your group, business page, Instagram account, website, etc. Funneling your audience to the places you want to connect with them (for CinchShare it’s our CinchShare Facebook Party & Marketing Training Facebook group!) will put them exactly where you want them to get to know, like and trust you so that you can build those super important relationships.
Remember to offer value AND entertainment!
People on Facebook are most often looking for posts that will make them laugh and/or teach them something new, so be sure to keep your content lighthearted and educational. Become a resource for your audience by providing them with material that they would appreciate whether it be putting a smile on their face, giving them posts to share with friends or increasing their brain power.
And remember, you do NOT have to create ALL your own content! Repurposing content that you come across online is completely acceptable, not to mention time saving, so use your best judgement on whether or not it’s necessary to “reinvent the wheel” so to speak. Just be sure to give the original source credit and you’re good to go!
• Use colorful graphics that will catch the eye
• Add Call to Actions that ask them questions
• Include a link or tag, leading them to your ideal location
• Schedule both entertaining and valuable content