Grow your team on Facebook by doing these 3 things
Growing your team is an integral part of your ultimate goal to building a successful business, but how do you get there? You see them on Facebook, these women (and men) who are leading teams of hundreds of consultants – how in the world did they make that happen? How do you make that become your reality this year? Take a look into our crystal ball and see your future if you follow these three easy steps!
1. Don’t be shy
How will anyone know you exist if you don’t put your face out there in Facebookland? It IS called FACEbook after all! People won’t care to join your team if you’re using your company logo as your profile photo on your business page – it’s YOUR face they want to see! Let corporate have their logo for their own page. Yes, you are a business owner, but the best place for your company logo (whether corporate or your own personal logo) is strategically placed on your cover photo where it is definitely visible, but we highly encourage you to personalize your business with YOURSELF everywhere you can.
When it comes to social media, people get to know, like and trust a person, not a brand. It’s much easier to connect to a human than it is to a product or logo. Putting yourself out there with your messy bun and video bloopers just BEING REAL is the most relatable way to market your business to your potential recruits. We’re not saying you should skip the shower and wear pjs every day – be presentable of course! – but know that you don’t have to overdo it with the stylish outfits and false lashes on a daily basis (unless that’s what you’re selling!)
And we know in real life, we don’t ooze rainbows and roses every day, but your business page, and your personal timeline, need to be a drama free zone – because no one wants to join a team who’s leader acts like she’s on the Real Housewives. Sure, you can let everyone know you’re having a bad day, but use your best discretion when it comes to posting publicly – or even to friends – when you do so. Things get seen and shared on Facebook by many, many people! YOU want to be a beacon of light and provide value for them, not be seen as a Negative Nancy or Debbie Downer (no offense to the Nancys and Debbies out there!)
2. Give them a place to gather
Facebook Groups are where it’s at on FB and wow have they changed for the better over the last year. Facebook now has people INVITE versus ADD which is a huuuge improvement and there are so many awesome ways to customize your group that members can really feel a sense of community. We suggest a Closed Group for either a VIP and/or Niche group to provide that exclusivity and privacy so members feel they’re in a special space.
Funnel people to your group from your timeline or business page with Call to Actions (that’s a sentence at the end of your post message with the group name tagged, or a link to join – saying something like, Come join me for more great tips and fun in my FREE FB group) you’ll peak their interest, but most importantly, if you don’t ASK they won’t COME.
Why do you need a FB Group to recruit people? Check out this true story and let us know what you think! Honestly, Facebook groups are the BEST place to grow authentic relationships and those members can easily turn into TEAM members because they love who you are as a person and can see the value you provide and the passion you have to help others.
3. Never zip it
Along with posting consistently and becoming a resource for people on Facebook using the 80/20 rule, you really need to get your voice out there. These team leaders that have hundreds in their downlines are being seen AND heard! You have to take the time to engage with everyone daily, using reactions simply won’t cut it.
Schedule your content and when someone comments – jump in there when you get that notification and chat them up!
Ask them questions back!
Engage with them on THEIR posts.
Do Facebook Lives and post videos that show you using your products.
Tag team your party guests with your hostess and have a blast using theme parties and/or party scripts that really entertain – but the most important aspect of the party is YOU when it comes to recruiting. The guests are watching you and you want them to see how much fun and how EASY it is to do what it is you’re doing!
People daydream about being their own boss when they’re sitting in their cubicles – and while that may be you right now while you’re working your direct sales business too, it doesn’t have to be you a year from now – and it doesn’t have to be them. Keep hustling! If you’ve won an incentive trip or attended your company conference or a team retreat post about it and make sure to let everyone know that they too can have all these awesome perks – you can help them join you! And in your team group, keep everyone optimistic, well trained and productive and they will have friends that want to join them – which of course means that they are joining you. Trickle down the positivity – that’s really what it’s all about!
As long as you work on these three things, you’ll see your team grow this year, we guarantee it! Stay tuned for another blog post where we share how you can grow your team on Instagram… coming soon! For now, be sure to implement these easy tips on Facebook and share them with your existing team members too because sharing is caring and growth takes teamwork!